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      Scientist predicts that 150 to 200 species of plants, insect, birds and mammals become extinct every 24 hours (Web Source 16). If something is not done soon, polar bears could become one of those statistics. Although polar bears have unique adaptations to help them thrive in the Artic, climate change is making it difficult for them to survive.  Climate change causes the ice caps to melt, resulting in decrease of prey and habitat. Due to the lack of sea ice, seals, polar bear’s main source of food, are dying out.  This means that polar bears have to swim long distances to hunt for food. In 2004 a group of polar bears even drowned while hunting for food.

   In order to help decrease the numbers of animals affected by climate change, scientists are now using biotechnology to help track animals in the wild. By placing satellite and GPS collars on polar bears scientists can find out basic information about how they survive in the wild. These collars also allow constant supervision from the convenience of a computer of other device. Satellite tracking, works just like a radio does. Waves are sent up to satellites which in return are sent back down to earth. This allows scientist to track migration of individual polar bears, some which have been reintroduced into the wild. Camera traps are also being used to help track animals. A promising advancement, camera traps are used to help track animals in remote and rural areas. Currently, they are being used in the jungles of Indonesia to help track the declining tiger population. 

The Harp's Seals are also efffected by the decreasing ice levels. They are therefore a bigger target for polar bears.   

    Mention the Artic and probably the first animal that comes to one’s mind it’s the polar bear. Beautiful and majestic, the polar is one of the most beautiful animals in the world.  Although polar bears may seem adorable, they are not ones to cuddle up next to. “The polar bear is the largest land-dwelling carnivore [in the world]” (Web Source 25).  Male polar bears can weigh up 1400 pounds, almost twice as much as females (Web Source 26). Obviously, it takes a lot for theses massive creatures just to survive. Most bears prey on seals, but they will also eat a whale or walrus carcass if available. Polar bears have also been known to turn to cannibalism if they are not able to find enough food. 

  Although researchers are doing everything they can to combat the effects of climate change, they alone can’t change the world.  The only way to completely reduce the damaging effects of climate change is to spread knowledge and ultimately limit pollution. Carpooling, walking to work, recycling, and conserving energy are all simple ways that families all around the world can help. Spreading the word about climate change and working alongside organizations is another way that families can get involved. It takes a whole world to reverse the damaging effects of climate change. Hopefully, we can do something, before it’s too late (Web Source 19, 20). 

Here, researchers are placing a tracking collar around the neck of this wild polar bear. 

Polar Bears 

Beasts of the Artic 

A polar bear hunting for seals comes up for air.

Due to climate change, polar bears may have to travel miles for food. 

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