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Climate change is a very controversial, as well as diverse, topic. Ask a million different people around the world what they think of climate change, a chances are, you will get a million different answers.  Everyone has new ideas, new solutions to combat the crisis.  But most people will tell you that whatever is causing it- it should be stopped. 

Impact on Society


  Climate change has a huge impact on society. So far, it has resulted in the extinction of many species (both plants and animals), declined human health, affected crop growth around the world, and resulted in the rapid rising of ocean waters. Climate change also affects certain religious groups. According to some religions, climate change is a work of God and in others it is a work of humans.  This has led to some interesting debates in both the religious community and the political community.  Many politicians, like former vice president Al Gore, have a lot to say about climate change and the damaging effects.  Other politicians deny that there is a problem.  This has angered many citizens, leading to some pretty outrageous protests. Although it is legal to protest legally, many citizens take it too far.  Some are also upset with the biotechnology industry for conducting stem cell and cloning research. Associating biotechnology groups that are trying to help combat climate change with groups who are conducting controversial research has given the industry a negative connotation.  However, strict rules are given the industry, and its main goal is to help, not outrage, people.  

Helping Around the World and In America 


  New projects and research about global warming is changing the way American's and others around the world live. Projects like the fuel efficient Hybrid Cars by Toyota, like the highly popular Prius, are cutting down on fuel output and are helping families save money at the same time.  Solar panel cars are expected to change the world pretty soon as well. Genetically Engineering crops is also being used to help families affected by climate change.  Extra crops grown are able to be given to malnourished families in struggling countries. Using genetic engineering also uses less harmful pesticides that may contribute to air pollution. Other important developments include using bioplastics. Bioplastics are made from converting sugars in plants (like corn) into plastics. Bioplastics are better for the environment because they are easy to compose and do not omit harmful gases into the air, allowing for a cleaner environment for millions (Print Source 1). Cleaning Coal is another important development that is being undertaken. Coal is mainly carbon, and when it is burned, that carbon may contribute to acid rain and smog. Cleaning up coal will reduce the harmful effects on the environment (Print Source 2). Nuclear Power and Nitrogen Farming are also becoming popular ways to support the environment and help families around the globe. 

Religious Beliefs  


  Just like many people have their own views of climate change, religions have their certain views as well. Dalai Lama, who is a Buddhist, states that climate change needs to be acted upon right now before more people are affected (Source 37). Muslims, who are of Islamic faith, are also very concerned about the environment. Muslims are very concerned with nature due to the fact that the Quran states that "nature is sacred" (Source 38). Jewish followers are some of the biggest supporters of helping change the climate. With their own Community, The Coalition on the Environment and Jewish Life, Jewish families are making big steps to help those affected my climate change. All of these groups are highly supportive of biotechnology innovations. (Source 39). However, many Christian groups do not believe in manmade climate change. They argue that because God is in control, humans do not have a severe effect on the Earth. Other Christian Groups yet state that although God is in control, humans are still able to have a sever effect on the Earth by submitting greenhouse gases. They also point out that the Bible states that towards the end of the world, drastic weather change will occur. Many Christians do not support research to further improve the Earth's wellbeing; they claim nothing can be done to stop it (Source 40). Whatever other religions believe, they all agree that religious ethics are an important thing to consider before choosing a side.

Agencies Involved  


    Many Agencies and Orzinazations are stepping up to help biotechnology expects fight climate change.  NASA is conducting research and has published many reports on how climate change is affecting our world. Most of their projects are involved with tracking greenhouse gases, such as carbon dioxide, from space. This allows scientists to see what areas of the Earth may be impacted the most. WWF (World Wide Fund for Nature) is also getting involved (Source 33).  WWF helps convince businesses and large corporations to reduce amounts of greenhouse gases and carbon that they emit into the air.  They also help form policies to further end climate change and deforestation, which can ultimately lead to climate change (Fewer trees mean less CO2 is taken out of the air). There are many biotechnology groups that are also dedicated to helping fight climate change (Source 34).  Like stated above, Monsanto, an agriculture company and biotechnology group, recently bought a climate research center, Climate Cooperation. By doing this, workers at Monasto are hoping to be able to track weather changes and predict the amount of rainfall for the upcoming year. This should be able to help farmers prepare for the upcoming growing season (Source 35). Toyota is also making advancements towards a fully solar powered car (Source 36). 

Intellectual Property and Ownership


 Many biotechnology groups face legal issues as they attempt to protect their work. Sometimes other groups will take certain ideas and build on them. Deciding who came up with them first is an issue. Especially, because groups who come up with ideas first are almost guaranteed lots of money. Copyrighting a company’s research and findings is the best way to protect their information. There are many major companies that will protect projects for companies, no matter how big or small they may be. Almost all biotechnology centers are legally protected to help allow their information and ideas to be credited to them.


A climate change protest in London, England 

Monsanto, a popular agriculture company and biotechnology group, recently bought a climate reacherch center, Climate Coorperation. They are hoping to be able to help farmers all over the world by predicting local weather  

Social and Ethical 

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